Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
October 25, 2006
Proposed BOD Agenda

  1. Welcome - Board members introduction, guests
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Approval of Minutes of September 27, 2006 BOD
  4. Treasurer's Report
      - Review of Financial Statements
      - Do we want to do an Independent Audit for the past 2 years? Revisit options after conversation with our Independent Auditor Jeannine Mays, CPA

  5. Executive Coordinator's Report
      - Update of Strategic Planning Project Matrix to be presented for BOD and FSC approval at the November 15th meeting-last call for projects
      - Update on projects and funding, CA Clearinghouse grants for 2007, CDF input for their Community Assistance Grants (Prop 40), do we need a workshop in December?
      - Holiday party for Fire Safe Council set for the Pollock Pines-Camino Community Center, Friday December 8th from 5:30 to 8:30.
      - Upcoming conference in Denver (11/2-4), distribute hard copy of presentation for BOD, will post on internet
      - State FSC BOD attempting to define their role/relationship to local FSCs - we need to do the same in EDC, good timing for all of us
      - 2007 Calendar distribution

  6. Other Old Business-do we need an item for Director's reports re status, concerns, etc in their local communities? Items that need BOD discussion but not duplicate reports at the council meeting.
  7. New Business
  8. Adjourn, next BOD meeting November 15, 2006 11 pm Gold Hill Fire Station. Please note the change of date to the 3rd Wednesday instead of the 4th in November.