Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
July 25, 2007
Gold Hill Fire Station, 11 am - 12 pm
Proposed BOD Agenda

  1. Welcome - Board members introduction, guests
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Approval of June 27, 2007 minutes.
  4. Treasurer's Report
      - Review of Financial Statements, year-end close out procedures

  5. Approval of Bill Robinson to serve as Chrome Ridge representative on EDCFSC BOD & thank you to Penny Humphreys and Walt Tyler for their dedication as Officers of BOD
  6. Proposed amendment to bylaws to eliminate term limits for Directors/Officers - need to find out the correct procedure to amend the bylaws, who receives copies. Secretary of State, IRS, etc. - request item be August BOD agenda, need more information
  7. Director's Reports, this is an opportunity to discuss area specific issues. Items identified before hand will be listed, but others may be introduced during this time
      - Rich Englefield: report on Joint Use Fire Station in Grizzly Flats, countywide weed abatement ordnance

  8. Executive Coordinator's Report
      - Update on projects and funding received
      - Senior Assistance funding document received, review draft job description for Coordinator, call for qualified on-the-ground contractors
      - Review/approve proposed contract with Tad Mason, TSS Consultants, for Biomass Feasibility Study
      - Re-order on car magnets, shirts and hats-who needs what
      - Grizzly Flats RFPs (Evacuation Clearing and Project Area #4 Shaded Fuel Break) and environmental documentation

  9. Other Old Business
  10. New Business
  11. Adjourn, next meeting August 22, 2007 Gold Hill, 11:00 am.