Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
August 22, 2007
Diamond Springs/El Dorado Fire Station #49
Training Room, 501 Main Street, 10:45 am - 12 pm

Proposed BOD Agenda

  1. Closed Session - Board Members only at 10:45
  2. Welcome - Board members introduction, guests
  3. Approval of Agenda
  4. Approval of July 25, 2007 minutes.
  5. Treasurer's Report
      - Currently doing internal audit of books, financial statements will be available next month. Report on current deposits from BLM and USFS

  6. Proposed amendment to bylaws will be presented to the BOD upon receipt of Nonprofit Guidelines from Nolo Press. Pat Johnson has taken this on for action through EID.
  7. Director's Reports-discussion on area specific issues and updates
  8. Executive Coordinator's Report
      - Update on Title III reimbursements and contract modification
      - Senior and Disabled Assistance Program funding anticipated by early September. Review of Draft Request for Qualified Bidders and Project Coordinators
      - Grizzly Flats projects update, quarterly funding received, review of Scope of Work for Shaded Fuel Break, project area 4.
      - Chipping Program update, receipt of unsigned requests from Auburn Lake Trails
      - Meeting with Supervisor Briggs on 8/30 regarding possible funding and discussion with Congressman Doolittle's office re clearing on BLM land
      - Press conference at Capitol for "CAFSC Dare to Share" program
      - WUI and Sierra Conservancy grant opportunities, report on Sierra Business Council meeting on 8/16/2007

  9. Other Old Business
  10. New Business - larger meeting facility discussion?
  11. Adjourn, next meeting September 26, 2007 Gold Hill, 11:00 am.