Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
May 28, 2008
11 am - 12:30 pm
Proposed BOD Agenda

  1. Welcome - Board members introduction, guests
  2. Public Comment
  3. Approval of Agenda
  4. Approval of April 23, 2008 minutes
  5. Update on proposed amended Bylaws and agreements with Satellite Councils - Pat Johnson, Vicki Yorty
  6. Update of website and monthly input from satellite councils - Rich Englefield
  7. Director's Reports-discussion on area specific issues and updates
  8. Executive Coordinator's Report
      - Senior and Disabled Assistance Program update, Jodi Martin is resigning as soon as we can fill her position. Need to encourage Satellite Council referrals as fire district referrals not coming in.
      - Discussion of alternatives and manning Camino office on a regular basis mainly to cover phones and admin stuff
      - Update on other programs, Grizzly Flats #4 project underway, Evac Route clearing completed but have some money left in grant to widen clearance on main routes
      - Discuss letters being sent to homeowners/property owners by Fire Safe Councils

  9. Old Business
  10. New Business
  11. Adjourn, next EDCFSC BOD (Annual meeting-election of 2008/2009 BOD) meeting June 25, 2008 11 am Gold Hill