Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
June 15, 2005
Gold Hill Fire Station
10:00a.m. - 12:00p.m.

The meeting was called to order at approximately 10:00 am by Rich Englefield, BOD Treasurer. Directors and guests present were: Mary Cornelison, Janet Gastaldi, Ray Griffiths, Joan Jennings, Len Newell, Lori Tuthill. Allen Jaeger, Penny Humphreys, Paul Miller, Jim Stewart, Gene Murphy (guest).

Changes to the minutes were noted as follows: The correct spelling of Scott Vail and Penny Humphreys names. The second sentence in paragraph 9 should read as follows: Len Newell explained that Scott Vail is recently retired and is unable as yet to be a Director due to prior commitments. Ray Griffiths made a motion to approve the minutes as noted. Second by Penny Humphreys. Approved by all present.

Rich Englefield gave the Treasurer's report. He stated that the statements did not get to the accountant in time for this meeting. They will be given to the accountant this afternoon. Rich had a couple of checks that needed to be signed and stated the importance of having the Board of Directors Election during new business today so that the signature cards could be updated and the checks could be signed after the meeting. He will have the Treasurer's report by the regular Fire Safe Council next week.

Rich Englefield gave an update of website activities. He informed the BOD that CDF and The Forest Service will now be able to get into the webpage and update the Fire Information. He informed Teri from CDF and Barbara from the Forest Service. By the time of this meeting he had heard back from Teri but not Barbara as of yet. There were a lot of questions regarding somehow making Red Flag Warning information available and updated on the web. Len Newell said that the whole Red Flag Warning system was confusing in all counties. After an open discussion by all members and guests, regarding burn information and air quality information and the confusion of when and when not to burn due to fire safety or air quality, Gene Murphy suggested that we work with Dick Harrell on a program he is working on to address this confusing area. Allen Jaeger asked if one could actually be fined if you are caught burning on a Red Flag Day? Ray Griffiths made a motion that the Executive Coordinator meet with CDF and Dick Harrell on this issue and bring information back to the BOD. Second by Penny Humphreys. Approved by all present.

Rich Englefield also passed around a copy of the new index that is now available when using the web page to make it easier and quicker to find information.

There was no Executive Coordinators Report because Vicki was busy setting up for the fair and was not able to complete it before the meeting. Vicki also sent out a summary sheet of the allocation of Title III funds to date. The BOS requested this information from her and she is just providing the Fire Safe Council BOD a copy for review. Members were asked to review the information and let Vicki know if there are any questions.

2005 - 2007 Election of Board Members/Officers:

The Slate of Nominees for 2005 - 2007 prepared by the Election committee was used.

Before starting, Rich Englefield explained that we will be making an amendment to the By Laws (being worked on by the By Law Review committee). We are trying to fill the Board Officers in such a way that 1/2 of the members are coming and going each year.

We are also trying to have representation from all of the local Fire Safe Councils on the Board. It was noted that Audrey and Ed Pomato who were originally on the slate have decided not to participate at this time.

Election of Board of Directors:

Ray Griffiths made a motion to nominate all eight of the people on the Slate of Nominees (attached as part of these minutes). Second by Len Newell. Approved by all present.

Election of Board Officers:
Before volunteers were called for to fill the openings of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, several members asked if there was a job description for each position. Rich said the Chairperson works approximately 10 hours per month. He/she is responsible for coordinating meeting agendas with the Executive Coordinator, facilitating the monthly BOD meetings, he/she is authorized to sign checks and will serve as a representative of the County Fire Safe Council at any other meetings as needed. All other Officers work approximately 5 hours per month. Penny Humphreys volunteered to be the new Chairperson and Ray Griffiths volunteered to be the new Vice Chairperson. Penny would like to share facilitating the meetings with Ray which was agreeable to him. It was also agreed that all four Executives would be added to the signature card for check signing privileges to allow for flexibility and ease of the Executive Coordinator to have checks signed. A motion to accept the nomination of Penny Humphreys as the Chairperson and Ray Griffiths as the Vice Chairperson was made by Len Newell. Second by Allen Jaeger. Approved by all present.

Old Business:

Len Newell asked about the passes to the fair for the people volunteering to staff the FSC booth. At this time Rich Englefield passed out all passes. Parking fees will need to be paid and then may be reimbursed at the booth.

Allen Jaeger who is heading up the By Law Review Committee passed out copies of the by laws and asked that all BOD members review them and either e-mail him or bring to the general meeting any changes/revisions no later than next Wednesday. The rest of the committee will review any changes and they will have the revised By Laws at the next BOD Meeting.

Ray Griffiths would really like a copy of the summary of the County Wildfire Protection Plan and will e-mail Vicki requesting it but wanted it noted for the record. Len Newell will also need a copy. It takes too much ink to print on their home computers and they are hoping Vicki can provide copies easily.

Audit Update. Auditor had several questions regarding receivables and Rich has a call into her. Otherwise, it looks like the Audit should be wrapped up soon.

Mary Cornelison asked what was happening with the Grand Jury investigation. Rich said as far as he knew, it had been dropped.

New Business:

The new GPS mapping system has been purchased and is available for other councils to use. It must be checked out through Rich and the County Fire Safe Council.

Gene Murphy - Request of support for Gold Bug Park Fuels Reduction

Gene gave a presentation on the fact that the area is in serious need of a Fire Safe Plan. It all started when Pat Cook called Vicki. A crew of 17 from Americorp has already started to do the work. They are doing Roadside Fuel Reduction and Clearance around the buildings. Gene already wrote them some standards to follow. Maps have been provided by Jose from the County Surveyors Office. Vicki looking for money from the BOS to pay for maps. Gene Murphy has volunteered to do a Fire Safe Plan with the help of Doug Leisz and the Forest Service. He wanted BOD approval to run the project through the council with the Executive Coordinator providing administrative expertise. Len Newell made a motion to support Gene Murphy and Associates to produce a Fire Safe Plan for Gold Bug Park and to run it through the Council. Second by Ray Griffiths. The BOD made a recommendation that Gene Murphy and Vicki Yorty go to the City for approval. Approved by all present.

Len Newell made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Second by Mary Cornelison. Approved by all present.

Meeting Adjourned: 11:20 am

Next Meeting July 20, 2005, 10:00 - 12:00 at Gold Hill Fire Station

Submitted by: Lori Tuthill, Board Member, EDCFSC (in secretary's absence).