El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
Work Shop
December 12, 2006
Gold Hill Fire Station, 6051 Gold Hill Road


The meeting was called to order by Vicki Yorty, Executive Coordinator, at approximately 9:00 a.m. Members and guests present were: Steve Youel, Pat Cook, Merryan O'Neill, Katrina Craft, Allen Jaeger (Director), Bill Robinson, Patrick McDaniel, Walt Tyler (Secretary), Richard Englefield (Director).

Patrick reviewed Prop. 40 guidelines for grant requests. Vicki added that much of the information is available on line. Patrick advised that CDF is receiving applications for review now. He noted that the simplest type of vegetation removal for application request approval is use of hand crews and chipper on the road. A negative declaration procedure will be required if ground machinery on the site is used to remove materials. This would involve other agencies to review the application and project area prior to approval.

Vicki noted the increase in cost per acre for vegetation removal has been dramatic. The Sand Ridge grant request was estimated at $300 per acre but the bid responses were up to $4,000.00 per acre. Allen stated that the bids accepted were about $3500.00 per acre. This resulted in less acreage processed to stay within the grant funding. A ballpark estimate would be between $3,000.00 and $5,000.00 per acre.

Allen described ridge top firebreak studies in Log Town area that are being made for consideration of fuel reduction. Rich added that he is attempting to provide three-dimensional maps to accompany the grant requests to show the relationship of the ridge tops. There will be several requests.

Questions were raised regarding administrative costs. Prices vary depending upon the professional used. Noted that administrative funds remaining can be transferred to ground work to extend project. Recommended to shop around.

Prop. 40 funds cannot be used to clear vegetation within 100 ft. of a home or building due to homeowner's responsibility for defensible space. Grants usually last for 18 months with a six-month extension if necessary. Funds can be received in stages upon verification of work completed. Records must be kept of everything. Patrick will conduct on site verification of work completed. Allow approximately six weeks before receipt of funds.

Patrick briefly described the California Forest Improvement Program (CFIP). Projects can apply to 20 acres parcels or more. Actual contract groundwork may be less. The guidelines for CFIP are being changed somewhat and funds will not be available until changes are completed.

For grant requests submitted through EDCFSC, Vicki will be the administrative contact person.

Vicki explained request form format and gave examples of required responses. Every required section must be completed. All planned project expenses must equal project total request.

Submitted by Walt Tyler, Secretary EDCFSC