El Dorado County Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
April 25, 2007
Gold Hills Fire Station, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.


The meeting was called to order by Penny Humphreys, Chair, at approximately 11:00 a.m. Directors and staff present were: Walt Tyler (Secretary), Walt Graves, Bill Cave, Lori Tuthill, Joan Jennings (Treasurer), Ray Griffiths (Vice Chair), Janet Gastaldi, Richard Englefield, Mary Cornelison, Vicki Yorty (Executive Coordinator), Jana Newman (Consultant).

Rich Englefield proposed a motion to approve the agenda as submitted. Second by Janet Gastaldi. Approved by all present.

A motion was proposed by Ray Griffiths to approve the February 28, 2007 minutes. Second by Joan Jennings. Approved by all present.

Rich Englefield reported on the web site activity. The EDCFSC web is 2nd on the World Wide Web sites. Amador FSC is now 6th.

Penny reminded members that election of officers is due soon. There is some confusion regarding term limits of officers and/or directors. The by laws may have to be changed to define if the two year term limits refer to the officers or directors or both. Vicki will research and advise. It was agreed to postpone the issue until the May '07 meeting. Ray Griffith, Vice Chair, will chair the nominating committee. Lori will also be on the committee.

Walt Graves advised that he would be leaving as Director and this will be his last meeting. He was complemented for his participation and he will be missed. Vicki stated that we need to recruit Directors from the newly formed FSCs.

Vicki reported that approximately 30% of our funding requests have been granted. $5,000,000+ in funds have been received since the EDCFSC has been formed.

The Title III funding agreement has not been received. It is expected soon. Prop 40 funds for the Sandridge project have not been received but the contractor has been paid from another fund. $47,000 is available for the 2007 Senior Assistance program $50,000 will be available for 2008. Jana will coordinate the program with referrals being made by the Fire Chiefs. Community members can make requests to the Chiefs.

Vicki provided a Project Tracking Summery and explained the contents. She explained that addition of projects has exceeded her time limits to complete all of the administrative requirements. Some administrative functions will be delegated and others will be contracted to an outside agency.

Jana passed out ID tags to the Directors. ID tags are also available to Defensible Space evaluators.

Vicki proposed that a bulk mail permit be purchased to use for mailing newsletters, etc. A significant savings of postage can be realized. Approximately $200.00 could have been saved during a recent mailing. Lori Tuthill proposed a motion to purchase a Nonprofit Bulk US Mail Permit. Second by Ray Griffiths. Approved by all present.

Jana advised that caps and shirts with the EDCFSC logo are available for advisors doing Defensible Space advise. Discussion continued regarding background checks of volunteers performing Defensible Space activities. Fire district personnel are already cleared. More research is necessary to determine requirements for background checks and liability.

Jana explained that a position Defensible Space Coordinator is open in the Georgetown area. The position requires approximately 10 hours per week. Jana will coordinate efforts to fill the position. Method of payment for services has not been fully completed. Vicki does not believe the EDCFSC wants to become involved with independent contractors for this service.

Submitted by Walt Tyler, Secretary EDCFSC