El Dorado County Fire Safe Council Board of Directors Meeting
Gold Hill Fire Station
6051 Gold Hill Road
February 27, 2008
11:00 am - 12:30 pm


At approximately 11:00 am, the Board of Directors meeting was called to order by Chairman Rich Englefield. In attendance were Bill Cave (Director, Auburn Lake Trails), Mary Cornelison (Director - Volcanoville), Richard Englefield (Chairman - El Dorado), Ray Griffiths (Director - Georgetown), Penny Humphreys (Director - Rescue), Joan Jennings (Director - Garden Valley), Pat Johnson (Director - EID and Mosquito), Bill Robinson (Director - Chrome Ridge/Pleasant Valley), Jim Stewart (Director - El Dorado Hills), Lori Tuthill (Director - Cameron Park), William Wright (EDCFSC Attorney - Cameron Park), Vicki Yorty (Executive Coordinator)

  1. The welcome was extended by Chairman Rich Englefield. The Pledge of Allegiance was stated. Introductions were made.
  2. Public Comment (limited to 5-minutes per speaker).
    Tom Schultz of the Sly Park Fire Safe Council introduced himself to the EDCFSC Board. He referred to the letter sent by him on behalf of the Sly Park Fire Safe Council. He discussed that the last meeting he attended, there was enthusiasm for the Sly Park Fire Safe Council and regrets that the present impression of the small fire safe council is that of the devil incarnate. He elucidated as to why their council was now acting defensibly. It was his and the Sly Park Fire Safe Council's desire to return to the enthusiasm that was present back in November 2007. They are looking for help from Mr. Englefield regarding emergency road exits. Their fire safe council wants support from EDCFSC, EID, and the Forest Service. Mr. Schultz apologized for any ambiguity but was not exactly sure as to what he apologizing for in this context. His agenda is to implement government efficiency and save government monies. His complaints encompass that the Sly Park Hills Fire Safe Council has not received fair treatment by the EDCFSC, and he can only speculate as to why. His focus is to address life-threatening situations in their community and not engage in disagreeable communications. Their community does not like being told that they are at step one of the grant process. They want an expression of support and assistance from Vicky Yorty who is well-versed in providing such. At this point, Ray Griffiths read through letter authored by Mr. Schultz. Director Griffiths inquired as to whether Mr. Schultz had ever participated on a non-profit board. Mr. Schultz indicated that he had participated in numerous non-profits and held Board positions. Director Griffiths elucidated that there are different types of non-profits. Director Griffiths continued that the letter was confusing in that there was mention of a "Sly Park Corridor." Discussion ensued as to the historical components of Sly Park Hills and Pollock Pines fire safe councils and who had submitted grants or proposals and at what time. Director Griffiths required clarification to the initial proposal of August 2006 which was submitted by the Sly Park Corridor and not the Sly Park Hills Fire Safety Council. Mr. Schultz attempted to clarify the subdivision and defensible space surveys that were conducted. Director Griffiths again attempted to reiterate that the letter was very confusing as there were so many entities involved. Mr. Schultz indicated that Sly Park Hills Subdivision (a former homeowner's association, no longer active) is a subset of a subset. In July 2007, Mr. Schultz asked Executive Coordinator Yorty for guidance and there was confusion as to the entities, and she suggested coordination with the Pollock Pines Fire Safe Council.
    The proposal submitted by the Sly Park Hills FSC requires various studies. In all instances, existing studies were submitted by FSC individuals. EDCFSC requests analyses by independent studies. Director Griffiths informed us that Sly Park Hills FSC needs to have independent studies performed for the grant proposals. Director Mary Cornelius gave support for the efforts of fire prevention in the Sly Park communities. She is familiar with their situation as Volcanoville had the same scenario. What they found is that they had to do increments of progress. They too are looking for a secondary escape route. Director Cornelius instructed them to go for a CWPP. Tom Schultz informed us that it was an action plan developed by Tom Mahach that they were using for grant applications. They are looking for some equity and to be aware of what is happening to them such as the situation with Candidate's Night.
  3. Closed Session ensued.
  4. Return to Open Session with nothing to report from Closed Session.
  5. Approval of agenda was moved and seconded. Unanimous vote was taken to approve the agenda.
  6. Minutes of the January 23, 2008 Board meeting were approved and seconded. A unanimous vote was taken and Minutes were approved.
  7. Treasurer's report. Director Joan Jennings reported that we are going to quarterly reporting format. Joan will be stepping down from the Treasurer position in June 2008.
  8. Chairman Englefield reported on the website, which he is currently updating. Email issues were discussed. He informed us that the El Dorado County Fire Safe Council website is getting "hits" from all over the world. Our website is number two in the state with most hits, and the State of California is number one. San Diego's Fire Safe Council is in third place.
    Presently, we have $350 budgeted per month for web resources.
  9. Directors' Reports.
    Director Lori Tuthill (Cameron Park) discussed Title III funding. She indicated that their local air quality grant is still in progress.
    Director Bill Robinson (Chrome Ridge - Pleasant Valley) informed us there are two safety videos in progress. He has been involved with discussions with the Placerville Downtown Association regarding a representative (potentially Carol Patton) who would participate in future EDCFSC general meetings. Placerville is interested in emergency services and expressed interest in a presentation by the EDCFSC.
    Director Bill Cave (Auburn) expressed frustration in getting projects done. They continue to work on an evacuation plan, which has been in the progress for approximately seven months. Penny Humphreys suggested that Todd Crawford might be a good person to contact in this regard.
    Director Jim Stewart (El Dorado Hills) told us that a sign will be dedicated to the kids from Jackson school who did the local cleaned-up in EDH. An article will be published in the Sacramento Bee shortly. Reporter Cathy Locke from the Bee will send a digitized version to Executive Coordinator Vicki Yorty.
    Director Stewart has signed a request for Growlersberg crews to have trees limbed in the Wild Oaks Park area. The branches will be collected by the local school children for future chipping. Future plans for this area include contracting with goat owners to have grasses chewed down.
    Recently, the Wildfire Awareness Week was mentioned by the schools in the EDH area and their students as a possible public education outreach for fire safe.
    Director Ray Griffiths (Georgetown). Recently, a meeting was held with the Georgetown Fire Safe Council and community regarding their CWPP.
    Executive Coordinator Vicki Yorty addressed the EDCFSC's Bylaws and the requirements involved in becoming a fire safe council. Proposed a day in April to focus on the finalization of the Bylaws. The next General Meeting agenda will set forth a day in April for accomplishing this goal. A motion was made for setting aside a day to finalize the EDCFSC's Bylaws. The motion was seconded and unanimously voted upon.
    Executive Coordinator Yorty is to attend the WUI Conference in Reno the first week in March. She has received an invitation to speak at the Orlando "Backyards and Beyond" Conference in November 2008. A motion was made and seconded to send Executive Coordinator to Orlando to attend the WUII. The vote was unanimous.
    The meeting of the Board of Directors of the El Dorado County Fire Safe Council adjourned at 12:20 pm.

Dated: March 20, 2008 — Patricia A. Johnson, Secretary to the Board