El Dorado County Fire Safe Council
Board of Directors Meeting
Gold Hill Fire Station
6051 Gold Hill Road
January, 26 2011
10:00 AM

  1. Present were: Board Members Bill Brandt, Leo Chaloux, Richard Englefield, Janet Gastaldi, Ken Hasse, Richard Krek, Jim Stewart, and visitors Linda Columbo and Vicki Yorty
  2. The meeting was called to order at 10:13 a.m.
    Rich Englefield requested that a report on the RAC be added to the agenda.
  3. Leo moved to approve the modified agenda, Rich Kreck seconded.
  4. Approval of minutes
  5. Oct 27 - Leo moved to approve; Bill Brandt seconded; all approved except Jim abstained because he wasn't present at 27th meeting.
  6. Nov 17 - Bill moved to approve, Leo seconded; all approved.
  7. Jan 12 - Leo moved to approve, Bill seconded; all approved.
  8. Item 4 - Jim Stewart moved to approve the Board response to the audit; Bill Brand seconded; all present voted in favor of approval.
  9. The Audit document will be available to all Federal agencies when final error checking is done.
    CAFSC has requested a copy of the draft for their review.
  10. Item 5 - Resolution 2011-01-1 authorizing the Chair to sign contracts with the CAFSC was approved by polling the Board by email. Seven of the 10 Directors responded with approvals. Bill Brandt made a motion to accept this poll and Jim Stewart seconded. All present approved.
  11. Item 6 - An RFP is needed for the Executive Coordinators position. Rich E. moved to proceed with process of issuing RFP; Rich K. seconded. There was a discussion about the process and a brief description of the draft RFP. The draft will be routed to the Board before being issued. The motion was approved unanimously.
  12. Item 7 - Contracts: There is a need to extend Darlene Woods contract to take phone messages, and schedule green waste dumpsters. A six month extension was recommended. Rich K. moved to extend the contract to June 30 2011, Bill Brandt seconded; all approved.
  13. Item 8 - Treasurers Report
  14. A P&L sheet was distributed. Senior/Disabled Assistance is on hold for lack of funds, the chipping program and green waste dumpster programs are continuing. The chipping program has about $28K in the bank.
    The Grants Clearinghouse expects to receive funding for existing grants by Feb 8th. All program funding has been delayed. No funds were received in the second quarter of this fiscal year.
    The Volcanoville project is in the red. Nashville/Sandridge has funds available.
    GF 6/7 has money in bank but is having problems with landowner participation.
    We have not yet received the $80K from county.
  15. Linda Columbo asked about issuing a RFP for the Nashville/Sandridge project. Options were to have Barry Callenberger do it or have someone in the Nashville/Sandridge group do it. Linda will get back to BOD with response from N/S.
  16. Projects will be shut down rather than run into red per Auditor and Grants Clearinghouse.
  17. We discovered that the 2009 Senior/Disabled Assistance program was $21K in red when it was closed out. The deficit can be moved to the 2010 program because of an overlap.
  18. RAC - Richard E.
    Of the three projects proposed by the FSC, the Happy Valley and the GF9 burn project were moved forward. Presentations will be required at a meeting in mid February.
  19. There were no Directors reports.
  20. Public Comment
  21. Rich Krek advised that Cameron Park will be starting to burn in mid February into May on prepared piles in the Pine Hill preserve. A link will be put on the FSC website.
  22. Vicki Yorty turned over the Bronco, 18 boxes, and five tubs of files. She expressed dissatisfaction with way that the Board handled her contract expiration.
    Linda Columbo expressed concern about loss of directors and bias because remaining directors were performing multiple functions and concern about lack of support for new fire safe councils. She submitted a written document of her presentation and asked that it be included in minutes. Leo moved to acknowledge acceptance of document but not attach to minutes. Bill Brandt seconded. All approved
  23. Richard E. moved to adjourn; Jim Stewart seconded and all approved. The meeting was adjourned at about 11:10 a.m.
Submitted by: Ken Hasse, Chairperson